Classic Circuit
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Oldtimer Rundstrecke
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Oldtimer Rundstrecke
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Oldtimer Rundstrecke
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Oldtimer Rundstrecke
Oldtimer Rundstrecke
Oldtimer Rundstrecke
Usually you need a license to participate in a circuit race. For most of them, participation will be limited to visiting and watching.
But there are also circuits (races) where you can participate without a license. Some circuits are not designed for the "race" and you drive a lap with the other participants for the visitors.
We try to publish the dates of the circuit that you can participate in with your own vehicle.
Upcoming classic circuit events
Oldtimertreffen zum 150sten der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Murnau e.V.
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Classic car event in detailClassic circuit events in the past
Classic Days
Past event Circuit International character
Das Lifestyle- und Mobilitäts-Festival Classic Days im Green Park in Düsseldorf ist eine der größten Veranstaltungen ihrer Art in Europa.
Classic car event in detail