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Oldtimer Veranstaltungen

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Hallo Oldtimer-Fan! Du bist fasziniert von klassischen Fahrzeugen und der Geschichte, die sie erzählen? Dann haben wir genau das Richtige für dich. Alle Oldtimer Termine findest du in unserem Kalender.

Dieser öffnet dir das Tor zur Welt der glänzenden Chromschönheiten und nostalgischen Momente. Entdecke Oldtimer Termine, lerne Gleichgesinnte Oldtimer Fans kennen und lass dich von der unvergleichlichen Atmosphäre begeistern.

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🚗 Du bist Veranstalter von Oldtimertreffen und Events? Veröffentliche jetzt deine nostalgischen Versammlungen kostenlos auf und erreiche tausende Oldtimer-Enthusiasten! 🏁

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What is My Classic Trip?

At MyClassicTrip you will find all the relevant classic car events in Europe. Search for events in your area, according to certain criteria or for what or where you want. In your account you can put everything together that interests you and adapt it at any time. Never miss a classic car event again!

For organizers

For organizers

You will soon be able to add your own classic event and adapt it at any time to always stay up to date.

For classic car owners

For classic car owners

Find and mark the most important classic events for you. Always stay up to date.

Make friends

Make friends

Interesting conversations with other classic car owners are always possible. Find like-minded people in your area.

There are more and more categories of classic events . The classic car market has been booming for years and is steadily increasing. The times when you could get old cars cheaply are over for good, with a few exceptions. This of course means that the number of events continues to grow, but they are also used well. You want to take your sweetheart out too.

From my own experience, I also know that such classic car events add value to the car. He is admired by the audience and at best you can win a price.

Now everyone can choose their preferred classic car event from the huge range. Whether its a meeting, a leisurely relaxed ride or the sporty character should be in the foreground with evaluation tests and awarding of awards. Many trips are now also offered, some of which have a strong culinary impact. Use the filters and criteria on our site to find the right event for you!

Registration is free and you can remember events and decide later which events you actually want to book.